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Horn Stand
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About us
Contact Us
Horn Stand
Where to Buy Soft Stands
Warranty and Replacement Policy
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
How our stands are made
1 x 1.5" ready to be cut to length
crosscut sled for cutting rails and feet
making walnut stands
imprinting logos on some oak stands
drilling bungee pass through holes
stand rails ready for final assembly
final steps of production
adhesion the the Velcro hook
Soft Stands drying
384 legs cut from 6ft sections of aluminum tubing
cutting strips of PVC for the fleece pouches
cutting out fleece blanks for Soft Stands pouches
foam padding for pouches
sewing loop
Soft Stands all bagged up and ready to be shipped out.
Soft Stands out in the wild!
The Quad Cities Symphony horn section
Dan Curran’s beautiful 8-D nestled in comfort and safety in a walnut Soft Stand
Margaret MGillivray with her new Soft Stands
even cats love Soft Stands
Soft Stands on stage in Seattle
Karl Pituch’s horn waiting for his masterclass at the Mid-North Horn Workshop at Ball State University 2016
Soft Stands at work at a benefit concert for music programs affected by flooding in West Virginia 2016
Soft Stand in Tasmania, Australia
Soft Stand at work in Yokohama, Japan
The Quad Cities horn section
Yuri Sasaki’s horn on break during a club gig in Tokyo
in the pit of the Lyric Opera in Chicago
Amy’s happy corni
an arsenal at rest in Soft Stands
John Gough using Soft Stands to display his awesome horns
Soft Stands at work at a benefit concert for music programs affected by flooding in West Virginia 2016 with Marsha Palmer
interesting mutes from the 2nd horn with the Utah Symphony
moma corno and baby corno snug in their Soft Stands
Chewbacca approves of the Soft Stnad and mute holder acessory
Soft Stands on stage at Carnegie Hall!
The West Virginia Symphony horns are cozy and safe during break time
safe for babies
someone was on Santa’s nice list – a perfect Christmas gift!
at the Mid-South Horn Workshop at the University of Arkansas 2023
Soft Stands on the job in Maryland
Soft Stands practice area
John Gough of Elemental Brass keeps his horns safe and secure in Soft Stands
Soft Stands at work in the studio
Yuri Sasaki’s horn hanging out with ukuleles in Japan